Closure Notice for our Preparatory Courses for GCE O Levels

As of 2022, City College would have graduated its 21st batch of students since its inception in 2002. In the past decade, the team has helped more than 1,000 youths prepare for the GCE ‘O’ and ‘N’ levels examinations. Not only that, but in the midst of tutoring, we have communicated to our students that they are loved and valued. We have watched our students go on to get married, start businesses, become teachers, parents and one has become a judge. No matter which stage of life they are at now, we are most thankful to have been a part of their journey. 

Much has changed in the education landscape since 2002: the private education sector is now governed and regulated, education pathways have expanded and tertiary institutions now factor in more than just academic grades when it comes to enrollment.

With these gradual changes over the years, we saw our cohort sizes becoming smaller, which in itself is a good sign as it suggests the systemic gaps may be shrinking. 

Given that, 2022 will be the last intake for our ‘O’ level preparatory programme. Moving ahead, we will continue working on digital content that makes educational tools easily available and accessible to all who need it.

If you are at this page, you may be looking for avenues for yourself or your child to further his or her education. We apologise that we will not be able to assist, and we pray you will find suitable alternative schools and programmes that will meet your or your child’s needs. 

We would like to encourage you to keep on learning! Just as we have said to all our students and graduates in the past 21 years, we say to you, “Yes, you can.”